Dedicated, fast, reliable,  accurate, professional service! 

We strive to provide the highest quality transcription product and customize it to meet the needs of your facility.  

You can utilize our dedicated 800 phone line, a hand held dictation device, a Smart phone, iPad/iPod, microphone/tablet, etc., for dictation and for retrieving the finalized transcribed product.   

We can customize templates or use normals. We can design templates and set up Worker's Compensation Disclosures, etc.   

Access to our system can be from any Internet connection with no software to purchase, and availability is 24/7, not only for dictation, but also for retrieving your completed transcriptions, editing, printing, archiving, copying, etc. 

We customize an electronic signature for each physician in the practice to use with the touch of a button.  

KM Medical Transcription utilizes a 1st and 2nd review system to ensure a consistent quality transcribed product to all our clients.  

We stay informed about the latest in technology, industry trends, and medical and transcription reference materials.  

We can set up a back end speech recognition program for one or all of the physicians in a practice to help cut down cost, provide better productivity, and help control efficiency from human error.

Through our platform, Emdat/Nuance, we offer our services to our clients with no capital investment or start up costs, no maintenance fees, real time monitoring of workflow, and HIPAA compliance, all with a secure system available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

Introducing Emdat/Nuance
Our latest technology platform providing an all inclusive
sophisticated dictation/transcription/document management 

Welcome to KM Medical Transcription
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Meeting the Needs of Medical Professionals!
Copyright of KM Medical Transcription 2009. All rights reserved
TELEPHONE:  661-478-4687
FAX:  661-215-5128
Contact KM Medical Transcription to get started today!